提交活動系統 - 2025年中原大學美感生活徵文活動

Activity Description

1. 報名/投稿開始日期:2025年3月15日
2. 報名/投稿截止日期:2025年5月23日
3. 報名/投稿網址:https://services.lib.cycu.edu.tw/handin/
4. 參賽作品請以word檔繳交,檔名格式:學號_姓名_作品名稱
5. 投稿文體分為散文、新詩、社群創作三類,皆須以中文編寫;主題以中原大學的人、事、物為主,紀錄在中原的美感生活體驗。
6. 散文、新詩字數由參賽者自行決定,以2000字為上限,標題以標楷體16字粗體,內容以標楷體12字直向橫書繕打,固定行高25pt。
7. 社群創作須模擬IG、推特發文情境,以一幅原創圖像及200至500字以內之文字內容,完成「先圖後文」之連結創作。除繳交整體創作內容的word檔外,須另繳交300dpi以上之原創圖像PDF檔。
8. 曾於其他刊物發表之作品不得參賽。
9. 參賽作品請自留檔案,恕不退件。
  1. Start Date of Registration/Submission: March 15, 2025
  2. Deadline for Registration/Submission: May 23, 2025
  3. Registration/Submission Website: https://services.lib.cycu.edu.tw/handin/
  4. Submission Format: Entries must be submitted as a Word document, with the file name formatted as: Student ID_Full Name_Title of Work.
  5. Submissions are categorized into prose, new poetry, or social media creations, all of which must be written in Chinese. The theme should focus on life at Chung Yuan Christian University.
  6. Participants may determine the word count for prose and new poetry, with a maximum limit of 2000 words. The title of the prose and new poetry in bold 16-point font in KaiTi, and the content in KaiTi 12-point font horizontally written with a fixed line height of 25pt.
  7. Social media creations should replicate posting scenarios on platforms like Instagram and Twitter. They should comprise an original image and content of up to 200 words, establishing a "picture-first, text-second" approach. In addition to submitting the comprehensive creative content in a Word file, a separate PDF file of the original image with a resolution surpassing 300dpi is mandatory.
  8. Previously published works in other publications are ineligible for submission.
For detailed activity content, please refer to the Guidelines for the 2025 Chung Yuan Christian University Aesthetic Life Writing Contest website

Patron Verification